We would like to create a list with recommendations to remarkable information about various topics of our present life that we’ve found on the internet. Most of them about the collaboration between humans and machines. The list will be continued in random intervals.
- NZZ – Lesenswert zu ChatGPT
https://www.nzz.ch/technologie/es-ist-absurd-bei-chat-gpt-von-kuenstlicher-intelligenz-zu-sprechen-ld.1726924?xing_share=news - Juergen Schmidhuber: Godel Machines, Meta-Learning, and LSTMs | Artificial Intelligence (AI) Podcast
AI (KI) – english - Gunter Dueck: Identifikation von Bullshit und Wert – re:publica 2019
Medien – deutsch - Einführung Jupyter Notebooks (Prof. Dr. Jens Dittrich)
https://youtu.be/1S4Cgtkxqhs - Plasma: A learning platform powered by Jupyter
https://blog.jupyter.org/plasma-a-learning-platform-powered-by-jupyter-1b850fcd8624 - A Jupyter Kernel for SQLite
https://blog.jupyter.org/a-jupyter-kernel-for-sqlite-9549c5dcf551 - Quantencomputer – Status und wohin geht es? (Prof. Dr. Heike Riel)
https://youtu.be/82GKvFw9XaA - Meredith Whitthaker – re:public 2023 keynote – AI, Privacy, and the Surveillance Business Model
https://youtu.be/x_vD1KUfhl8 - tante – re:public 2023 – Sorry HAL, I can’t
https://youtu.be/3LIvHF-IX9Y - Machine Learning Street Talk proudly presents Jürgen Schmidhuber / 23/08/23
https://youtu.be/q27XMPm5wg8?si=8mKf2gYScxjWGryw - Welche ethischen Aspekte sollten wir beim Einsatz von KI berücksichtigen?/Prof. Judith Simon – 24/02/05
https://youtu.be/R3RFGg3U2_A?si=oKjlu_tl63-Wh82t - Neurall and Non-Neural AI, Reasoning and Transformers and LSTMs/MLST interviews Jürgen Schmidhuber 08/2024