We would like to create a list with recommendations to remarkable information about various topics of our present life that we’ve found on the internet. Most of them about the collaboration between humans and machines. The list will be continued in random intervals. NZZ – Lesenswert zu ChatGPThttps://www.nzz.ch/technologie/es-ist-absurd-bei-chat-gpt-von-kuenstlicher-intelligenz-zu-sprechen-ld.1726924?xing_share=news Juergen Schmidhuber: Godel Machines, Meta-Learning, and LSTMs
Read MoreIf you have multiple computers at the table and are tired of jumping between keyboards and mice, check out the KVM-SW solution ‘Synergy’ from Symless. A real recommendation!
Read MoreWhat is AI? What is the meaning of life? Can you tell me a joke? How do I change my life for the better? What is the current date and time? How does AI work? What is machine learning? What are the benefits of AI? What is the future of AI? Can you provide a
Read MoreAnd yes, there are reasons why you can do without a project standard in IT projects: Inflexibility: a rigid project standard can limit the flexibility and creativity of the team. Over-complexity: an overly comprehensive standard can lead to excessive regimentation and complexity, which can affect the efficiency and progress of the
Read MoreAt the end of the year, a quick recommendation for all smart home enthusiasts: there is a new communication standard for smart home devices that should finally ensure that devices from different manufacturers work together and/or can be controlled and monitored across manufacturer domains. Reliable and secure. Matter. Matter. We’re really excited about it. More
Read MoreAll Internet users suffer from the possible dangers that can arise from the misuse of personal data on the Internet. If you think you are affected by this – the Verbrauerzentrale has set up a very good and informative advice site for the German speaking areas: “Welche Folgen Identitätsdiebstahl im Internet haben kann“
Read MoreDon’t forget – as more and more open source repositories gets compromised IT managers have to establish a process to check all used open source code on vulnerabilities and license requirements!
Read MoreI’ve just read a few blogs that inform about major trends in project mngmt. The best: Emotional intelligence will be the most-desired skill for new project managers. Think that is acceptable after round 50 years of pm business 🙂 And note that it is desired only for the ‘new’ ones.
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